Basket for Setsuko

I'm going to visit my family in Japan, so I want to be sure to bring something nice as a gift. I also want to take something that will not get squished or broken in transit: crochet to the rescue! I have this really awesome Keep & Share Offcuts yarn, which is made from leftovers from the automotive industry. Bits of seatbelt and industrial-strength thread get recycled and entwined together to make this yarn. Pretty cool, eh? You know me, if it's crochet AND it's recycled, we're onto a winner! It's limited edition too, DAHling - no two batches are the same. Here's the fruits of my labour: a little basket for scarves or socks or other small things, based on the Chunky Crocheted Basket pattern. I held two strands together to make it more beefed up and strong. I hope my cousin Setsuko likes it.
