Documenting projects (not the workie kind)


Although I think I do a pretty good job of documenting my work-related projects, I have made a lot of things in my crafting life that I foolishly neglected to document. My mother sent me some photos of the gazebo and closed porch she is building, which has reminded me to always take pictures of my projects from now on. I will never again get to see the lovely alpaca scarf I knitted for my hubby, because he lost it shortly after I gave it to him last winter :-(. And then there are all those scarves, hats, soaps, body creams, bowls and assorted other things I have made as presents for friends over the years. I really regret not having the foresight to take pictures of them. So I decided to go back in time and take a photo of my very first knitting project, which I still have. It's now well-worn, with little fluffy bits all over, and it looks quite amateur-ish when I look at it. But here it is: a duck-egg blue & chocolate brown stripy scarf. It's a basic garter stitch pattern from Stitch & Bitch, adapted with stripes. In the photo it's sitting on my lovely wool coat that is an amazing peacock blue colour... shame the colours didn't come out too well because it looks navy rather than teal.

Aside: My mother is an incredible woman. She has always been my inspiration. We have crafted together a lot over the years, from oil paintings to ceramics, to silk-flower making and all sorts of other projects. I really wish I had photos of some of the things we made together when I was growing up. My mother's latest love is woodworking, and at 67 years old, she's pretty hard core to be building giant covered porches all on her own. She ROCKS!